Thursday, November 27, 2008

Doorbusters for the Green Geeks

Apparently, there actually are people who wake up for those post-Thanksgiving 4am doorbusters. Fall into gravy-laden dreams after dinner knowing their alarm is set, that in a mere hours, in what most of us call the middle of the night, they will wake up and go out into the cold with their sights on the American dream of a free cordless drill and 25% off apparel for the whole family. For myself, I hate the mall and I love to sleep, so I've never attempted such a feat.  I prefer to save my excitement for the It's-Christmas-Eve-and-I-Haven't-Bought-You-a-Present-Yet shopping expedition.  But this year, in the spirit of sleeping in to be thankful for, Recycling is Rad is having an ALL WEEKEND ANTI-DOORBUSTER SALE!  Starting now.  Go.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cache at the Casket 2008 Review

I survived my first show, and have to say I do feel the teensiest bit sheepish about getting so worked up over it.  My goal for Cache was to not lose money, which I accomplished.  What I didn't expect was to have so much fun talking to people about my work.  It was great to meet all of you out there who were equally excited about the radness of recycling, and I'm thrilled with all of the new contacts I made.  Some of the other highlights include scoring an awesome location right across from the main bar, my really great neighbor BMF Jewelry, and what a surprise hit the little wool hats were that I added to my inventory.  More good news is that I do have some leftover inventory.  Some of it can be found in my Etsy shop, and there are also a few bags at Twin Cities Green on Hennepin in Uptown. (Oh, and p.s. store-wide sale there this weekend.)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Riff Raff Makes a Comeback

Oh, hey friends.  Did I tell you Recycling is Rad is going to be at the Cache at the Casket art show this weekend?  Well I am.  We are.  So, that's tomorrow, November 22, from 6-9 pm, and Sunday, November 23, from 11am-4pm.  Treats, libations, and musical entertainment.  Plus, you know, all things handmade like jewelry, art, ceramics.  Oh yes, and recycled riff raff made by me.  Like this stuff.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

New Tote Gets Rad

I've been spending all my time getting ready for Cache at the Casket (November 22-23, don't forget!), and I'm excited about my new work.  While the details of taking part in a show incite annoyance or panic--details, arr--it's been fun to work towards something, and I've amassed quite a collection of totes, messengers, laptop sleeves, and other riff raff that'll be available at the show.  

These are just a sampling of the tote designs.  Possibly my brain is preparing itself for the approaching season of the grey and the white, but I've really been drawn to strong colors and color combinations.  Especially for the straps, which I've lengthened, making the tote easier to reach into without taking from your shoulder.  

Please stay posted for more show previews (messengers!  zips! more!) coming at the beginning of the week.  And don't forget to visit me at Cache next weekend to see the full line of bags.