Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Craft Show Preview: Toys!

I had so much fun making these! Alone in what I hilariously refer to as "the studio," hunched over my worktable, trying out buttons for eyes, and giggling. That's how I spent the last few weeks. Even now I can't look at Albino Squirrel in his pleated wool pants without getting tears of laughter in my eyes.

Anyway, these and a lot more will be at the Holla-Day Bazaar with me (Saturday, December 11, 10am-5pm, InsideOut Gallery, Traverse City MI). Stop by and see us!

1 comment:

  1. The two things I love the most about these is that the albino squirrel is wearing my purse, and the walrus is made out of my purse. So, basically, I feel like I partially inspired them. Which, of course, is likely not true. But, seriously ... these are RAD!
