Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Made Purses

It's May!  I'm way late saying this, but here we are.  I've been busy.  Being sick and/or accosted by allergies, hitting up my favorite garage sale weekend, entertaining house guests, thoroughly enjoying Mothers' Day (my kids=insanely awesome), and yeah, SEWING.  This spring, maybe because of its slow, rainy start, I've noticed that I've been drawn to mostly subdued colors and patterns.  A few wild ones thrown in there too, of course, but here's a sampling of my favorites in the subtler tones.  (This group is earmarked for the Womanhood Weekend in Spokane...T minus 9 days!  Hope to see you there!)

1 comment:

  1. Holy Wild and Amazing Love! So awesome, cannot wait!
