Etsy is so much better than when I first opened my shop there in 2006. They've made tons of changes, and the latest one I've been waiting on for a long time: the ability to change your shop name.
Five years ago, I didn't have a business name--was barely even a business--when I started making and selling things on Etsy. So I named my shop after an old email account and have been stuck with it ever since. No more. Last night I changed my shop name to my business name (makes sense, right?), and you can now find me on Etsy under RecyclingisRad. Whoo!
All the old links to my shop will continue to work, and the old URL will remain active for the next month or so. But I promise you'll feel much more special using my new URL: Yay Etsy!
I am very happy to keep track the thing that I used to do. many thanks for sharing. impressive page indeed.